About Us

Hi, I’m Amber. I’m 25 and an accountant (an auditor to be more specific) for a public accounting firm. Traveling has been one of my passions ever since I was child. I traveled often with my family when I was younger and I’ve taken many trips with just my mom, who has been a huge influence on my love for traveling. My dream in life is to travel as much as I can. There are many places I’d like to visit, both inside and outside the United States. Something I love about traveling is the education that comes with it, whether you’re learning about the history, the culture, the food, etc. I believe traveling opens our minds and allows us to see life from different perspectives, which in turn makes us better human beings. Two of my favorite places I’ve visited are Alaska and India. Two very different places, but both absolutely amazing. I’m lucky enough to share my life with a man who loves to travel as much as I do! Thank you for visiting our site, and please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or anything you want to say!

Welcome! My name is Dylan (the previously mentioned man). I’m in my mid/soon to be late-20s and I hail from the birthplace of our nation, Williamsburg, VA (sorry Plymouth). My love for travel and exploration is a more recent one than that of Amber, my PIT. Going to college a stones throw away from hiking routes along the AT, waterfalls that freeze over in the winters, and rivers fit for multi-day kayak trips, I developed a passion for the natural beauty of the world. As the son of a man who once sailed from New York to England on a 25 foot sailboat, I suppose it was only a matter of time until my fire for exploration was lit. Though I prefer traveling by kayak and sleeping in a hammock alongside a river, I also appreciate the history and culture of every new destination I’m able to visit. These days, I’m living out my childhood dream of working as a public accountant. I’m often sarcastic (see last sentence) and occasionally sincere. I’m also an avid hockey fan (go Caps!), a music lover, and a bit of a movie buff. Thanks for reading; follow The Travel Ledger if you’d like to join us on our (hopefully) endless adventures!